Friday, March 25, 2011

New link for cisco docs

This is more for information :

cisco docs about protocols can now be found at :

I liked the new outlook of cisco docs. :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A new entry in Testing dictionary - DRIVE TESTING

Oh Well, was reading an LTE forum discussions and bumped upon Drive Testing. Initial thought was is there something like that. Is the person sane in writing what he really means to write. Then i browsed through some more discussions on same topic and that cleared up my mind.

Drive testing is a method of measuring and assessing the coverage, capacity and Quality of Service (QoS) of a mobile radio network

Read through wiki link to get to know more about it. As a simple test Engr and not on the Customer side, we may not do Drive testing but its always good to know.

My current assignment

I am working on automation using OOPs and references with Perl. Exciting as I am getting to know more and better Perl coding standards. Using two design patterns, facade design pattern and Adapter design pattern. Interesting enough i always wanted to read about the design patterns and here I go. I am now using the design pattern to actually implement my new framework development for DPI feature.  Guess that I might have used few other design patterns in my earlier projects not knowing the names of it. But well when you know what you are doing, things are much more exciting and interesting.
No more regression since last 4months. So much relieved. Its more of debugging or writing code now. And may be helping out in the SCM.